Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Moving Day Tomorrow

We've been busy unpacking boxes ready for our big truck tomorrow to grab the furniture. I was up there tonight doing a last minute vacuum before they get there early tomorrow.

Here's some pics (please excuse the lighting, was taken at 8pm on my iphone)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

We're In!

Thanks MJH for a relatively smooth build.

All things at PCI were fixed but we've got a problem with the gas, hopefully the plumber will be back today to have a look at (no gas means no cooking an no hot water do hopefully it's an easy fix).

Our new fridge is arriving today and our blinds are also going in. Removalist is booked for tomorrow, so well have our first night tomorrow night.

Yesterday I've unpacked most of the kitchen and we've got a big woollies delivery arriving this afternoon to restock things.

I wish I took some photos before we. Started unpacking, will upload some when it's a bit neater inside.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


We should get the keys on Tuesday.

PCI was today and there's plenty of paint touch ups and cornices to be fixed.

We're getting our driveway laid tomorrow

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bits & Pieces

Had a few more bits and pieces
Installed today including door handles
and bathroom accessories.

Weve also had the cleaners come in today and the windows are looking good

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Carpet bath and tiles

Still a heap to do and hoping to have our PCI next week.

We did a walkthrough today, but not at PCI stage yet. Hoping to get the keys late next week